Edina Evi’s Unique Dreamwalls


  1. What size do you recommend:
    • Depending on age, usability, and free wall space different sizes are required, so I suggest the following:
      • 100 × 100 cm / 140 × 70 cm / 150 × 100 cm pieces above the baby cot / crib,
      • 200 × 70 pocket storage wall protector, over 200cm beds for teenagers,
      • 200 × 150 cm fairy tale walls where you can move comfortably in front of the wall after putting up to Dreamwall, so pockets and shapes can be reached from anywhere
      • Special sizing available for special orders
      • Idea: Dreamwalls can be set up in a straight line or in corner.
  1. What material is it made of?
    • Typically cotton, cotton jersey
  2. How thick is a Dreamwall, how is it filled?
    • the Dreamwall is basically 5 layers: front panel->glue interlinings->fleece->glue interlinings->back-sheet
    • However, the shapes that are placed on the Dreamwall are made in 5 layers, which means that some parts have 10 layers on top of each other.
  3. Wall hanging options:
    • Velcro – all over the top
    • Ringlis – 1-1 ring per 10-15 centimeters apart on the upper edge
    • hinged / hanging design – pulled on slats, cornices.

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